Samm Magpi
One of my favorite quotes is, "There is a secret in our culture, and it's not that birth is painful. It's that women are strong." If you would have asked me a few years ago how or where I'd give birth, I would have told you in a hospital opting to be completely knocked out without any recollection of what happened. While pregnancy and birth has always been intriguing to me it was never bought up in my family. So the little I knew about birth, I found terrifying. When I graduated from high school I felt lost, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. At a family barbecue a family friend told me about doulas, and said that I should look into becoming one. I had no idea what a doula or midwife was, but decided to sign up for a training after doing some research. In October 2012, I took that training without knowing that it would completely change my life forever. After I attended my first home
birth, I undoubtedly knew that this path had chosen me. I knew that I needed to become a midwife and offer an alternative option to the women who seek this care. In 2015, I had an incredible home birth and delivered a beautiful 9lb baby boy, Indigo (Indy). I remember being in the bathroom at 8cm saying, "I would never want to be numb for this. I feel so in tune with my body." His birth has transformed me in ways I never imagined possible. So I very much believe, that birth is a beautiful, natural process and yes, women are strong! We need more home birth midwives to provide women with safe, quality care. I am determined to become a CPM so that I can be there to support women just like Karen was there to support me. I thank all of the women, past, present & future, who allow me to be apart of their journey. It is the most amazing thing in the world for me to be a part of and I can't imagine myself doing anything else.
** This Fall (2017) Samm will be starting the Community Midwifery program at Birthwise Midwifery School in Maine. Karen will be continue as her clinical preceptor. ***Update on Samm: Samm completed her first year with Birthwise and is now doing a clinical preceptorship in El Paso and then off to another in the Phillipines! I’m so excited for Samm! The Philly/S Jersey area will have another fine midwife when she completes this phase of her path to becoming a CPM
** More on Samm, so much more!! Samm graduated from Birthwise in 2020 and has established he practice in the Philly/S Jersey area; check her out at MagpiMidwifery!