Since there’s a lot of information out there these days, we’ve lovingly compiled this list of resources for you that get the WomanWise stamp of approval!

This section is a work in progress! If you have a link you’d like to suggest or would like to be listed as a local resource, please email me through the Contact page on this site.

+ Acupuncture

+ Birth/Pregnancy/Newborn Photography

+ Baby Wearing

+ Breastfeeding

+ Lactation Consultants

+ Childbirth Education

+ Chiropractors/Osteopaths/Cranio Sacral practitionters

+ Circumcision Education

+ Cloth diapering, Natural Hygiene, & Diaper free babies

+ Community Resources

67: In the Community, For the Community, From the Community 73:

+ Community Supported Agriculture

+ Craniosacral Therapy

+ Diastasis Recti & Pelvic Floor

+ Doulas We Love

+ Herbalists, Herbal Resources

106: An extensive list of herbs to avoid during Pregnancy/Breastfeeding; 105:

+ Homebirth/Birth: Evidence Based Research

+ Homeopaths & Info on Homeopathy

+ Infant Massage

+ Lip & Tongue-Tie Revision Specialists

+ Massage Therapists & Body Work We Melt For

+ Natural Family Planning

+ National & State Organizations

+ Naturopathy

+ Newborn Screen Information

+ Nutrition for Pregnancy & beyond

+ Parenting

+ Products for Pregnancy and Postpartum

+ Infant CPR

Coming soon!

+ Newborn Care

Coming Soon!

+ Postpartum Depression

+ Family Physicians & Baby Care Providers

181: 310 Lambs Gap Road Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 717-795-9566 181: 182: The Kimberton Clinic/Sustainable Family Medicine 182: 188:

+ Placenta Encapsulation

  • Born With Love, Marcella, Philadelphia, PA, 215-892-7207
  • Kristen Keylich, RN,Middletown, DE, 210-827-5224
  • Jen Silvera,MIddletown DE, 609-372-8325
  • Molly Jackowski, DE, 443-616-9775

+ Pregnancy, Labor, & Birth info

+ Vaccinations


+ Waterbirth

+ Women's Health

Birth tubs comparison chart

67: In the Community, For the Community, From the Community 73:

+ Community Supported Agriculture

+ Craniosacral Therapy

+ Diastasis Recti & Pelvic Floor

+ Doulas We Love

+ Herbalists, Herbal Resources

106: An extensive list of herbs to avoid during Pregnancy/Breastfeeding; 105:

+ Homebirth/Birth: Evidence Based Research

+ Homeopaths & Info on Homeopathy

+ Infant Massage

+ Lip & Tongue-Tie Revision Specialists

+ Massage Therapists & Body Work We Melt For

+ Natural Family Planning

+ National & State Organizations

+ Naturopathy

+ Newborn Screen Information

+ Nutrition for Pregnancy & beyond

+ Parenting

+ Products for Pregnancy and Postpartum

+ Infant CPR

Coming soon!

+ Newborn Care

Coming Soon!

+ Postpartum Depression

+ Family Physicians & Baby Care Providers

181: 310 Lambs Gap Road Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 717-795-9566 181: 182: The Kimberton Clinic/Sustainable Family Medicine 182: 188:

+ Placenta Encapsulation

+ Pregnancy, Labor, & Birth info

+ Vaccinations


+ Waterbirth

+ Women's Health

Birth tubs comparison chart