Since there’s a lot of information out there these days, we’ve lovingly compiled this list of resources for you that get the WomanWise stamp of approval!
This section is a work in progress! If you have a link you’d like to suggest or would like to be listed as a local resource, please email me through the Contact page on this site.
+ Acupuncture
- South Philadelphia Community Acupuncture
- Total Wellness Acupuncture Inc. Rebecca A Allen, North East, MD 443-553-3465
- Metta Integrative Wellness Center, Lauren E. Potts, 720 W. 36th Street, Baltimore, MD
- Charlyn Santiago, Ellicott City, Annapolis, MD, 410-456-4852
- Danielle Bellezza, Be.Well.Bellezza, Churchville MD
+ Birth/Pregnancy/Newborn Photography
Wanderlust Birth & Photography, Samantha Magpi, South Jersey & Philly, 856-426-7184
HomeAgainBirth Birth Photography, Hayden Trace 856.693.4003, Jacki Taylor, Maryland, Delaware & Pennsylvania
+ Baby Wearing
- Babywearing with Joy, 302-275-5685,
- Delmarva Babywearers
- The Baby Wearer Forum
+ Breastfeeding
Project Latch, 30 minute craniosacral therapy sessions for newborns with Christine Holefelder, 610-505-8946
Kellymom article on growth charts for breastfed babies
Philadelphia Breastfeeding Resource Handbook, 2012
Dr. Jack Newman’s Visual Guide to Breastfeeding
Kelly Mom, Resources for Breastfeeding Moms
Legendairy Milk, Awesome, Natural Breastfeeding Supplements
La Leche League, Tandem Nursing article
WIC, WIC offers breastfedding help through the Cecil County Health Department, 410-996-5255 ext 144
La Leche League, Find a group/leader near you.
Breastfeeding Classes and Support, Union Hospital offers breastfeeding classes, support groups and a helpline, 410-620-3773
+ Lactation Consultants
- Nikki Lee, Elkins Park PA, 215-635-6477,
- Find a lactation consultant, ILCA (International Lactation Consultants Association)
- Chesapeake Lactation Services Responsive, knowledgeable & compassionate LCs serving Harford, Cecil counties and Delaware
+ Childbirth Education
- Pathway to a Healthy Birth Childbirth Connection
- Birthing from Within
- Birthworks
- Blossoming Bellies, Brit McCollum, Phila., PA, 215-462-0424
- Bradley Classes
- Hypnobabies
- Nikki Lee, Elkins Park PA, 215-635-6477,
- Gathered Birth
- Jenny Wood, Bradley Classes Chester County, Pennsylvania
- Bradley Classes, Kristen Nero, Upper Marlboro, MD
+ Chiropractors/Osteopaths/Cranio Sacral practitionters
- Ohm Family Chiropractic, Media & Philadelphia, PA, 610-565-882
- Pea and the Pod Chiropractic, Newark, DE, 302-455-PEAS (7327)
- Thrive Chiropractic, Baltimore, MD 443-991-4703
- Main Street Family Chiropractic, Newark, DE 302-737-8667
- Synergy-Chiro, Wilmington, DE 302-777-4002
- Aberdeen Family Chiropractic, Aberdeen, MD, (410) 273-5900
- Bay State Chiropractic Center, Steven Baron, catonsville, MD, 410-744-8800
- Optimal Spine Chiropractic, Aberdeen, MD, 610-925-2572
- Cooke Family Chiropractic, Wilmington, DE, 302-683-0402
- Schmitt Chiropractic, Jonathan Burack, Dover, DE, 302-734-4377
- Dr.Candice Boyer & Dr.Eric Lake, D.O.
+ Circumcision Education
- Intact America
- Birth Without Fear’s Article on Circumcision
- National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers
- Not Just Skin and their amazing video on the research: An Elephant in the Hospital
- Case Against Circumcision
+ Cloth diapering, Natural Hygiene, & Diaper free babies
- Happy Pottying
- Diaper Free Baby
- Philly Diaper Service
- The Diaper Nanny
- Diaper Swappers
- The Diaper Hyena
+ Community Resources
- Pathways Magazine A magaazine for thoughtful parenting
- The Educated Birth Just what it says!
- Delaware 211
- Ubuntu Black Family Wellness Collective: In the community, For the community, From the community
- The Legal Handbook for Delaware Women
- Maryland Birth Network: Maryland’s one-stop for mother-friendly birth options
- Birth Options Alliance
- Mama’s Wellness Joint, Pennsylvania
- Homeopathy Delaware, Northern Delaware Homeopathic Study Group
- Gathered Birth A community resource for pregnancy, birth and beyond, Media, PA
- Drug Watch
67: In the Community, For the Community, From the Community 73:
+ Community Supported Agriculture
- Flying Plow Farm
- Brewers Hideaway Farm
- Muddy Acres Farm
- Colchester Farm
- Fair Weather Farm
- Vollmecke Orchards & CSA
- Kranz Hill Farm
- Seven Petals Flower Farm
+ Craniosacral Therapy
- The Gillespie Approach, Cranio-Fascial Therapy (CFT)
- Nikki Lee, Elkins Park PA, 215-635-6477,
- Kinderssage, Christine Holefeder, CFT
+ Diastasis Recti & Pelvic Floor
Bloom Physical Therapy & WellnessBerlin,Md (410)231-3661
Aligned and Well: Restorative Exercise, Nutritious Movement, Katie Bowman
Fit2B exercise & stretching program loved by Woman Wise moms Cecile Gibbs PFPT
Physical Therapy for WomenAnn Duch, PT
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy with Eirika Abbey,
+ Doulas We Love
- Kathryn Marriott Doula: Birth Arts Intl doula, 303-818-8122
- Birth In Full Bloom, Rachel Vorhauer & Katie Brown
- Baltimore Birth Doula, Cherie Harper Correlli, 443-799-4725,
- Blossoming Bellies, Brit McCollum, Phila., PA, 215-462-0424
- Born With Love, Marcella De Rosa, Philadelphia, PA, 215-892-7207
- Ilaria O’Keefe, Glen Bernie/ Baltimore, MD, 802-272-1414
- Love Works Doula, Morgan Moon, Philadelphia, PA, (215) 313-8342
+ Herbalists, Herbal Resources
- Euphoric Birth and Herbals, LLC,, 302.632.8269
- The Chrysalis Center, Inc, Patricia Chichon, RN, ANP, MSN, Lambertville,NJ, 609-397-1466
- Aja Naturals, Vegan, Handmade Bath & Body Products, 443-252-2014,
- Wish Garden Herbals, Resource for all things herbal, Pregnancy, Birth, Breastfeeding
- Mountain Meadow Herbs, Herbs for the childbearing year and beyond
- Wise Woman Herbs
- Wonderful Website for Nourishing Herbs; NORA Tea for pregnancy/Lactation
- [An extensive list of herbs to avoid during Pregnancy/Breastfeeding;]106 from a certified Herbalist
106: An extensive list of herbs to avoid during Pregnancy/Breastfeeding; 105:
+ Homebirth/Birth: Evidence Based Research
- An excellent resource for evidence on 'place of birth safety'
- Homebirth: An Annotated Guide to the Literature, 2013
- Is Homebirth with a Midwife Safe? Check out the results of this new study.
- Another great study on homebirth in the Netherlands
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Study on Midwifery Care
- BMJ “Outcomes of planned home births with certified professional midwives: large prospective study in North America”
- Optimal Care in Childbirth: The Case for a Physiologic Approach
- Evidence Based Birth
- Aviva Romm & Her amazing books on living, pregnancy and beyond!
- Evidence Based Birth Article on Induction for low AFI
- Amnesty International 'Deadly Delivery'
+ Homeopaths & Info on Homeopathy
- innerhealthworks, Robert Bannan, appts. office/home
- Barbara J. Bason, Wilmington, DE, 302-897-1542
- Linda M McDonald, Elkton, MD, 410-392-3930,
- Catalyst Homeopathy, Angela Walker BSc, RSHom, CCH, 610-526-2246
- Homeopathy Delaware, Northern Delaware's Homeopathic Study Group, free & open to the public
- Article on Nausea in Pregnancy
- Great articles on using homeopathy in pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding
+ Infant Massage
- Nikki Lee, Elkins Park PA, 215-635-6477,
+ Lip & Tongue-Tie Revision Specialists
- Dr. Green Newark, DE
- Dr. Owen Jordan Bel Air, MD
- Infant Laser Dentistry, Paul Bahn, Philly
- Lip & Tongue-tie Info, Paul Bahn, PA
- Lip & Tongue-Tie Support Network, Plug in your state
-, Delaware
- Dr. Robert Marcus, Reisterstown, MD
- David Stall Dental, West Chester, PA
- Lance Panarello DDSWest Chester PA area
+ Massage Therapists & Body Work We Melt For
- Terry Manucci, LMT and Myofascial Release, 302-598-5539,
- Outta My Cocoon, EFT with Creative Movement Soul-Sessions,
- The Body Business, Julie Hadfield, Landenberg, PA, 610-255-1515
- The Chrysalis Center, Inc, Patricia Chichon, RN, ANP, MSN, Maya abdominal & uterine massage, Lambertville, NJ, 609-397-1466
+ Natural Family Planning
- FemCap - Cervical Cap
- The Garden of Fertility; a wonderful resource for NFP
- Taking Charge of Your Fertility: a classic
+ National & State Organizations
- Maryland Families for Safe Birth
- Association of Independent Midwives of Maryland
- Pennsylvania Association of Certified Professional Midwives
- Midwives Alliance of Pennsylvania
- NJ Homebirth Midwives
- Improving Birth
- Coalition for Improving Maternity Services
- Maternity Care Coaltion
- National Association of Certified Professional Midwives
- Midwives Alliance of North America
- North American Registry of Midwives
- International Center for Traditional Childbearing
- American College of Nurse Midwives
- Citizens for Midwifery
- International Cesarean Awareness Network
- The Big Push for Midwives
- Maternal Health Around the World
+ Naturopathy
- Naturopathy New Jersey, LLC, 856-488-7067
- Illuminating Health, Jaie Bosse, ND, Philadelphia
- Naturopathy in Maryland, Find a Naturopath
- Dr. Amber Golshani, ND, Easton, MD
- Dr. Emily Telfair, ND, Baltimore, MD
- Dr. Kim Furtado, ND, Delaware
+ Newborn Screen Information
+ Nutrition for Pregnancy & beyond
- Nourished Kitchen, Wholesome Cooking for Fertility
- Paleo Mom
- Weston Price,Wise Traditions, Diet for Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
- Mom's Guide to Eating in the First years of Motherhood
+ Parenting
- Enviromental Workers Group "Know your enviroment, Protect your health"
+ Products for Pregnancy and Postpartum
Fetoscope Listen to your baby at home!
+ Infant CPR
Coming soon!
+ Newborn Care
Coming Soon!
+ Postpartum Depression
- The Postpartum Stress Center
- Postpartum Progress, together, stronger
- Resources for Maryland PPD trained therapist/counselors
- Resource list for DE PPD therapists
- Ardeo Counseling,Havre de Grace MD: Perinatal & Postpartum Health
- Wellness & Co, Bel Air MD Erin Newton LCSW, 570.689.8130
- Healthy New Moms, Maryland Crisis Hotline, 800-422-0009
- Edinburgh PostpartumDepression Scale
- Postpartum Depression - a resource
- Postpartum Depression: Signs & Resources for Help
+ Family Physicians & Baby Care Providers
- Turnpaugh Health: Integrative Medicine in Mechanicsburg,Gordonville & Manheim, PA
- The Kimberton Clinic in Kimberton, PA, 610.933.0708
- Dr Kristine Diehl, Holistic Family Physician
- Pea and the Pod Chiropractic, Newark, DE, 302-455-PEAS (7327)
- Dr. Steven Danenfelser - Lifebridge Health Pediatrics
- Village Pediatrics LLC, Dr. Alicia Morgan-Cooper, Baltimore, MD 410-235-1601
- Premier Pediatrics, Dr. Bradley Smith, Newark, DE (302) 836-4440
- Dr. Francesco D'urso, Exton, PA (610) 269-9966
- Dr. Keith Wright, Family Doctor, Christiana, PA (717) 806-3800
- Bright Future Pediatrics, Dr. Elsayed Abdelsalam, DE
- Laurel Pediatric, Vickie McGowan, Bel Air, MD
- Rekindle Family Medicine, Dr. Kim Nalda, Wilmington, DE
- Infinite Medical Express - family friendly community medical care
- Healthcare For ChildrenFamily friendly pediatricians
181: 310 Lambs Gap Road Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 717-795-9566 181: 182: The Kimberton Clinic/Sustainable Family Medicine 182: 188:
+ Placenta Encapsulation
- Born With Love, Marcella, Philadelphia, PA, 215-892-7207
- Kristen Keylich, RN,Middletown, DE, 210-827-5224
- Jen Silvera,MIddletown DE, 609-372-8325
- Molly Jackowski, DE, 443-616-9775
+ Pregnancy, Labor, & Birth info
- Spinning Babies for optimal fetal positioning
- Birth Without Fear Blog
- Trust Birth
- Birth in The Squatting Position Video
- Aviva Jill romm article onNatural Induction
- The Childbirth Connection What to ask when considering your path to birth
+ Vaccinations
- National Vaccine Information Center
- Immunization Advice from Experts Interesting article
- Vaccination Resources
- Dr. Paul Thomas's Vaccine Friendly Plan book
- A Vaccine Friendly Plan
- Aviva Jill Romms book on Vaccinations ( one of our faves)
- VBAC Facts
- International Cesarean Awareness Network
- The Unnecesarean Blog
- What Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Know About Cesarean Sections
- A Woman’s Guide to VBAC: Navigating the NIH Consensus Recommendations
+ Waterbirth
- Evidence Based Birth: Waterbirth
- Passages personal waterbirth pools
- Waterbirth International
- Waterbirth Info
- Waterbirth tubs comparison chart
+ Women's Health
- Women Living Well, Dr. Kirsten Smith and Dr. Jessica Apel, Delaware
- Delaware 211
- Ubuntu Black Family Wellness Collective
- The Legal Handbook for Delaware Women
- Maryland Birth Network: Maryland’s one-stop for mother-friendly birth options
- Birth Options Alliance
- Mama’s Wellness Joint, Pennsylvania
- Homeopathy Delaware, Northern Delaware Homeopathic Study Group
- Gathered Birth A community resource for pregnancy, birth and beyond, Media, PA
- Drug Watch
67: In the Community, For the Community, From the Community 73:
+ Community Supported Agriculture
- Flying Plow Farm
- Brewers Hideaway Farm
- Muddy Acres Farm
- Colchester Farm
- Fair Weather Farm
- Vollmecke Orchards & CSA
- Kranz Hill Farm
- Seven Petals Flower Farm
+ Craniosacral Therapy
- The Gillespie Approach, Cranio-Fascial Therapy (CFT)
- Nikki Lee, Elkins Park PA, 215-635-6477,
- Kinderssage, Christine Holefeder, CFT
+ Diastasis Recti & Pelvic Floor
Bloom Physical Therapy & WellnessBerlin,Md (410)231-3661
Aligned and Well: Restorative Exercise, Nutritious Movement, Katie Bowman
Fit2B exercise & stretching program loved by Woman Wise moms
Physical Therapy for WomenAnn Duch, PT
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy with Eirika Abbey,
+ Doulas We Love
- Kathryn Marriott Doula: Birth Arts Intl doula, 303-818-8122
- Birth In Full Bloom, Rachel Vorhauer & Katie Brown
- Baltimore Birth Doula, Cherie Harper Correlli, 443-799-4725,
- Blossoming Bellies, Brit McCollum, Phila., PA, 215-462-0424
- Born With Love, Marcella De Rosa, Philadelphia, PA, 215-892-7207
- Ilaria O’Keefe, Glen Bernie/ Baltimore, MD, 802-272-1414
- Love Works Doula, Morgan Moon, Philadelphia, PA, (215) 313-8342
+ Herbalists, Herbal Resources
- Euphoric Birth and Herbals, LLC,, 302.632.8269
- The Chrysalis Center, Inc, Patricia Chichon, RN, ANP, MSN, Lambertville,NJ, 609-397-1466
- Aja Naturals, Vegan, Handmade Bath & Body Products, 443-252-2014,
- Wish Garden Herbals, Resource for all things herbal, Pregnancy, Birth, Breastfeeding
- Mountain Meadow Herbs, Herbs for the childbearing year and beyond
- Wise Woman Herbs
- Wonderful Website for Nourishing Herbs; NORA Tea for pregnancy/Lactation
- [An extensive list of herbs to avoid during Pregnancy/Breastfeeding;]106 from a certified Herbalist
106: An extensive list of herbs to avoid during Pregnancy/Breastfeeding; 105:
+ Homebirth/Birth: Evidence Based Research
- An excellent resource for evidence on 'place of birth safety'
- Homebirth: An Annotated Guide to the Literature, 2013
- Is Homebirth with a Midwife Safe? Check out the results of this new study.
- Another great study on homebirth in the Netherlands
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Study on Midwifery Care
- BMJ “Outcomes of planned home births with certified professional midwives: large prospective study in North America”
- Optimal Care in Childbirth: The Case for a Physiologic Approach
- Evidence Based Birth
- Aviva Romm & Her amazing books on living, pregnancy and beyond!
- Evidence Based Birth Article on Induction for low AFI
- Amnesty International 'Deadly Delivery'
+ Homeopaths & Info on Homeopathy
- innerhealthworks, Robert Bannan, appts. office/home
- Barbara J. Bason, Wilmington, DE, 302-897-1542
- Linda M McDonald, Elkton, MD, 410-392-3930,
- Robert Hall, Hockessin, DE, 302-234-0222,
- Catalyst Homeopathy, Angela Walker BSc, RSHom, CCH, 610-526-2246
- Homeopathy Delaware, Northern Delaware's Homeopathic Study Group, free & open to the public
- Article on Nausea in Pregnancy
- Great articles on using homeopathy in pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding
+ Infant Massage
- Nikki Lee, Elkins Park PA, 215-635-6477,
+ Lip & Tongue-Tie Revision Specialists
- Dr. Owen Jordan Bel Air, MD
- Infant Laser Dentistry, Paul Bahn, Philly
- Lip & Tongue-tie Info, Paul Bahn, PA
- Lip & Tongue-Tie Support Network, Plug in your state
- PA Green Dentist, Delaware
- Dr. Robert Marcus, Reisterstown, MD
- David Stall Dental, West Chester, PA
- Lance Panarello DDSWest Chester PA area
+ Massage Therapists & Body Work We Melt For
- Terry Manucci, LMT and Myofascial Release, 302-598-5539,
- Outta My Cocoon, EFT with Creative Movement Soul-Sessions,
- The Body Business, Julie Hadfield, Landenberg, PA, 610-255-1515
- The Chrysalis Center, Inc, Patricia Chichon, RN, ANP, MSN, Maya abdominal & uterine massage, Lambertville, NJ, 609-397-1466
+ Natural Family Planning
- FemCap - Cervical Cap
- The Garden of Fertility; a wonderful resource for NFP
- Taking Charge of Your Fertility: a classic
+ National & State Organizations
- Maryland Families for Safe Birth
- Association of Independent Midwives of Maryland
- Pennsylvania Association of Certified Professional Midwives
- Midwives Alliance of Pennsylvania
- NJ Homebirth Midwives
- Improving Birth
- Coalition for Improving Maternity Services
- Maternity Care Coaltion
- National Association of Certified Professional Midwives
- Midwives Alliance of North America
- North American Registry of Midwives
- International Center for Traditional Childbearing
- American College of Nurse Midwives
- Citizens for Midwifery
- International Cesarean Awareness Network
- The Big Push for Midwives
- Maternal Health Around the World
+ Naturopathy
- Naturopathy New Jersey, LLC, 856-488-7067
- Illuminating Health, Jaie Bosse, ND, Philadelphia
- Naturopathy in Maryland, Find a Naturopath
- Dr. Amber Golshani, ND, Easton, MD
- Dr. Emily Telfair, ND, Baltimore, MD
- Dr. Kim Furtado, ND, Delaware
+ Newborn Screen Information
+ Nutrition for Pregnancy & beyond
- Nourished Kitchen, Wholesome Cooking for Fertility
- Paleo Mom
- Weston Price,Wise Traditions, Diet for Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
- Mom's Guide to Eating in the First years of Motherhood
+ Parenting
- Enviromental Workers Group "Know your enviroment, Protect your health"
+ Products for Pregnancy and Postpartum
Fetoscope Listen to your baby at home!
+ Infant CPR
Coming soon!
+ Newborn Care
Coming Soon!
+ Postpartum Depression
- The Postpartum Stress Center
- Postpartum Progress, together, stronger
- Resources for Maryland PPD trained therapist/counselors
- Resource list for DE PPD therapists
- Ardeo Counseling,Havre de Grace MD: Perinatal & Postpartum Health
- Wellness & Co, Bel Air MD Erin Newton LCSW, 570.689.8130
- Healthy New Moms, Maryland Crisis Hotline, 800-422-0009
- Edinburgh PostpartumDepression Scale
- Postpartum Depression - a resource
- Postpartum Depression: Signs & Resources for Help
+ Family Physicians & Baby Care Providers
- Turnpaugh Health: Integrative Medicine in Mechanicsburg,Gordonville & Manheim, PA
- The Kimberton Clinic in Kimberton, PA, 610.933.0708
- Pea and the Pod Chiropractic, Newark, DE, 302-455-PEAS (7327)
- Dr. Steven Danenfelser - Lifebridge Health Pediatrics
- Village Pediatrics LLC, Dr. Alicia Morgan-Cooper, Baltimore, MD 410-235-1601
- Premier Pediatrics, Dr. Bradley Smith, Newark, DE (302) 836-4440
- Dr. Francesco D'urso, Exton, PA (610) 269-9966
- Dr. Keith Wright, Family Doctor, Christiana, PA (717) 806-3800
- Bright Future Pediatrics, Dr. Elsayed Abdelsalam, DE
- Laurel Pediatric, Vickie McGowan, Bel Air, MD
- Rekindle Family Medicine, Dr. Kim Nalda, Wilmington, DE
- Infinite Medical Express - family friendly community medical care
181: 310 Lambs Gap Road Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 717-795-9566 181: 182: The Kimberton Clinic/Sustainable Family Medicine 182: 188:
+ Placenta Encapsulation
- Kathryn Marriott, Doula & Placenta Specialist, 303.818.8122
- Born With Love, Marcella, Philadelphia, PA, 215-892-7207
- Wanderlust Birth & Photography, Samantha Magpi, South Jersey & Philly, 856-426-7184
- Bedhead Birth, Nikki Williams, Kent Island, MD
+ Pregnancy, Labor, & Birth info
- Spinning Babies for optimal fetal positioning
- Birth Without Fear Blog
- Trust Birth
- Birth in The Squatting Position Video
- Aviva Jill romm article onNatural Induction
- The Childbirth Connection What to ask when considering your path to birth
+ Vaccinations
- National Vaccine Information Center
- Immunization Advice from Experts Interesting article
- Vaccination Resources
- Dr. Paul Thomas's Vaccine Friendly Plan book
- A Vaccine Friendly Plan
- Aviva Jill Romms book on Vaccinations ( one of our faves)
- VBAC Facts
- International Cesarean Awareness Network
- The Unnecesarean Blog
- What Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Know About Cesarean Sections
- A Woman’s Guide to VBAC: Navigating the NIH Consensus Recommendations
+ Waterbirth
- Evidence Based Birth: Waterbirth
- Passages personal waterbirth pools
- Waterbirth International
- Waterbirth Info
- Waterbirth tubs comparison chart
+ Women's Health
- Women Living Well, Dr. Kirsten Smith and Dr. Jessica Apel, Delaware
- The Birth Center, Newark, DE