Our philosophy is based on 4 ideas
The WomanWise philosophy promotes woman and family centered care, believing that honest, ongoing communication between mother and midwife is at the center of creating happy, healthy birth experiences. We use an individualized approach to care during the childbearing year based on the concept of informed choice, empowering each woman to confidently make the decisions that are right for her and her family. We believe that every woman deserves the right to choose where, how, and with whom they give birth.
We trust in the process of birth and in each woman’s instinctual ability to find her own unique path to birth.
Family Centered
We see pregnancy and birth as a time for growth in family relationships and we encourage partners & siblings to be as present and involved in the birth process as they wish. We value the importance of that uninterrupted first ‘Golden Hour’ so we encourage continuous contact between you and your baby; this golden hour has been shown to improve self-confidence in breastfeeding, parenting, and to strengthen your new family’s bond.
We believe that there is no one “right” path to healthy pregnancy and birth for all women; given support, resources and encouragement, each woman will find what works for her. For more on what informed choice means to us, visit our FAQ page.
Birth is a natural event. With a healthy lifestyle and good prenatal care, there is seldom a need for women to be hospitalized to give birth. Midwives have an excellent safety record, with numerous studies associating midwifery care with excellent outcomes. You can find links to related studies in our Resources section.